62. The importance of ADHD business owners getting the RIGHT support!

62. The importance of ADHD business owners getting the RIGHT support!

Welcome to this new episode of The Weeniecast.

Hi! I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach and it's my job to help simplify the world of ADHD entrepreneurship and business strategy for you, the ADHD business owner or wannabe business owner.

This week, something a little different...

The ADHD Entrepreneur Playbook: Insights with Heather Lawson-Bradfield

When you're dodging the landmines and bullets that life in entrepreneurship with an ADHD brain can throw up at you, understanding the nuances becomes crucial for success.

My online business manager Heather Lawson-Bradfield has been supporting me in my business for a few months now.

I hired her and her team at The Clover Collective to support me after a particularly 'tricky' time with a previous operations manager.

I figured it might be helpful for you as an ADHD entrepreneur if we discussed the strategies she uses that can assist ADHD business owners.

We're talking about self-awareness and how early or late diagnoses of ADHD can impact an individual’s approach to business challenges.

With Heather's distinctive background, she shares invaluable insights into managing ADHD's intricate web, revolving around prioritization and task management, which are pivotal for maintaining focus and mitigating the overwhelmed state that entrepreneurs often face.

Oh if you're one of our particularly eagle-eared listeners who heard us talking about the Mars Rover - here's the link.

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Understanding the ADHD Mindset in Business

When navigating the terrain of entrepreneurship with an ADHD brain, understanding the nuances becomes crucial for success.

We're getting into the strategies that can assist ADHD business owners and discussing the importance of self-awareness and how early or late diagnoses of ADHD can impact an individual’s approach to business challenges.

With Heather's distinctive background, she shares invaluable insights into managing ADHD's intricate web, revolving around prioritization and task management, which are pivotal for maintaining focus and mitigating the overwhelmed state that entrepreneurs often face.

Building Support Systems and Task Management

So our conversation naturally shifts towards strategic management of ADHD within business operations.

And we both wanted to acknowledge the necessity of seeking appropriate assistive roles, such as a tech VA or an assistant, to alleviate executive function struggles.

By offloading specific tasks, business owners can create a streamlined workflow conducive to their unique cognitive processes.

And then there's the personalized tools, like note-takers and meeting recorders, playing an essential role in catering to the needs of ADHD business owners, enabling them to optimize their communication and retain focus during intricate business dealings.

Leveraging Neurodivergence for Business Growth

The topic of motivation resonates throughout the episode, with Heather enlightening our weenies on how incremental dopamine hits can augment task completion for those with ADHD.

We talk about task layering and the usage of dopamine triggers to sustain engagement and enthusiasm.

The therapeutic angle is not overlooked either, as Heather shares her personal therapy journey and the incredible strides made.

We discuss the operational facets of running a business as a solopreneur, discussing the concept of hiring an 'ops' person to offer efficient support in operational tasks, thereby smoothing out the entrepreneurial path laden with the challenges of ADHD.

Empowering Authentic Business Relationships

We also touch on the emotional aspects tied to ADHD, such as rejection sensitivity dysphoria, and how this can variably affect individuals.

We also zone in on the benefits of fostering strong relationships built on trust and nuanced communication with clients.

Heather's offer of services specifically tailored to assist with these emotional hurdles points to her dedication to her clients' well-being.

Your next steps after listening

Realising it's time to work with me? Book your free intial strategy call with me - weeniecast.com/strategycall

Get more support in your ADHD entrepreneur life by joining the waitlist for my hyperfocus community! - https://weeniecast.com/hyperfocus

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Mentioned in this episode:

The Hyperfocus group

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