You may have noticed some changes around here. The Weeniecast's rebranding. We're moving from life with ADHD to financial empowerment and societal impact.
Hi, I'm Katie McManus and with my producer Neal Veglio we're sharing this behind the scenes episode where I talk about the motivations behind this change.
I'm articulating a vision where financial discussions are coupled with a commitment to making a difference.
I can't stress enough the importance of having money conversations that inspire action, and I'm urging you my listener to think about how you can use your financial resources to contribute positively to your communities.
Companies mentioned in this episode:
- ClickUp
Mentioned in this episode:
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If you're a coach or consultant - find out how to attract your ideal clients
This is for your if you're working in the coaching and consulting space and want to attract your ideal clients, buying your higher ticket offers, so you can make more money, quickly, and will less time input, so you can focus on sharing your gifts with the world!
For this bonus episode, we're going to go behind the scenes of a meeting between my podcast producer and I to learn why the weenie cast is changing.
Podcast ProducerSo what are we going to do then, Katie McManus?
Podcast ProducerWhat is the weenie cast going to become?
Katie McManusI think we talk about money a lot more.
Katie McManusI think we talk about money and I think we talk about having an impact.
Katie McManusI think we, like, yeah, I think that's it.
Katie McManusYou know, what are the different things that you can do to make more money so you can have more impact?
Katie McManusAnd also, like, how can you have an impact even when you're not making a ton of money?
Katie McManusHow can you get involved in your local world?
Katie McManusI think we kind of look at different companies that have made, like, having a purpose part of their brand or having an impact part of their brand.
Katie McManusI think it's funny, I.
Katie McManusSo I was really struggling to come up with a themes for the hyper focus community and I had such an easy time coming up with themes for the wealthy weenies community.
Katie McManusSo, like, January is going to be the financial goal set.
Katie McManusFebruary is going to be like creating a manifestation practice.
Katie McManusMarch is going to be raising your rates, how to do it and why.
Katie McManusApril is going to be rejection seeking.
Katie McManusSo, like, really pushing people to do some rejection.
Katie McManusExposure therapy.
Katie McManusMay is like your belief reset.
Katie McManusJune is leveraging debt and how to, like, how to, like, process that you have debt.
Katie McManusYou know, like, it's going to be both sides of it.
Katie McManusIf you already have debt, here's like, how you're with it.
Katie McManusAnd if you are growing your business, like, understanding how you can leverage debt to grow your business even more and what's available to you.
Podcast ProducerYeah.
Katie McManusJuly is the financial, again, another financial goal set halfway through the year.
Katie McManusAugust is banishing fears and doing like an audit of expenses because that freaks people the fuck out.
Katie McManusSeptember is asking for what you want and really like, talking about the difference between asking for what you want versus asking for what you need, you know, and coaching people through what the difference is.
Katie McManusWhich then sets us up again for another rejection seeking month in October.
Katie McManusNovember is going to be all about seeking abundance.
Katie McManusSo like, rewriting your story so that you see how it always works out of.
Katie McManusAnd then December is going to be all about like, the psychology of receiving gifts and giving gifts and how it'll correlate to your relationship with money.
Podcast ProducerYeah.
Podcast ProducerIt's a very strong monetary themed show, isn't it?
Katie McManusYeah.
Katie McManusAnd I think, you know, in the community, the first Wednesday of the month is goal setting.
Katie McManusSo there's going to be a worksheet that everyone fills out through ClickUp or Google forms or whatever.
Katie McManusSo that way I can kind of see what people are doing to.
Katie McManusYeah, but they can have a record of it and it's just like automated.
Katie McManusAnd then like, so we check in on the goals and then I coach them on whatever this concept is.
Katie McManusLike, I already teach them on it.
Katie McManusLike, I do a training on it.
Katie McManusAnd then the next Wednesday.
Katie McManusCause I'm going to reset the order of things.
Katie McManusSo, like, sales lab is usually on the second Wednesday of the month and then it's kind of wedged between the two hyper focused ones.
Katie McManusI'm going to reset it.
Katie McManusSo, like, it's the first and second Wednesday of the month always.
Katie McManusAnd that second Wednesday is all about coaching on the concept.
Katie McManusRight.
Katie McManusBecause they've started it.
Katie McManusRight.
Katie McManusSo, like, for instance, say it's April and I'm training on rejection seeking the next week.
Katie McManusIt's like coaching people through, like how to come up with their list and, and do all the things and how to deal with the fear or whatever, whatever comes up.
Katie McManusAnd then sales lab, it's going to be on the third Wednesday.
Katie McManusBut what I'm going to do, because this is very much like, like keeping a finger on the pulse of your money.
Katie McManusI'm going to open this up to my clients so they don't have to pay for it in advance or in addition, which I wasn't doing with hyperfocus because not all my clients had had ADHD.
Katie McManusAnd then I can also do guest speakers.
Podcast ProducerSo how is the podcast going to fit in with this then, do you think?
Podcast ProducerAre we sort of like going to match the content in some way or.
Katie McManusI think.
Katie McManusI think what we were talking about where we're talking up the group for the next months and the next month and the next month, I think that still happens.
Podcast ProducerYeah.
Katie McManusYeah, I know it's not, it's more generic, but maybe that's okay.
Katie McManusI think we're in like, the manifestation money and business space with an eye to.
Katie McManusYou're not just here to, like, get rich so you can buy fancy shoes and fly around in a private jet.
Katie McManusYou're here because you want to make a difference in the world and you want to do that through the work you do, and you want to do that through, like, the influence you'll get by being a successful business owner and a successful entrepreneur.
Podcast ProducerMoney manifestation, impact.
Podcast ProducerI like it.
Podcast ProducerI think the key, as I always tell people, the key to this really is you can talk about as generic a topic as you want.
Katie McManusRight.
Podcast ProducerBecause it's not really the topic that is the issue.
Podcast ProducerIt's not going to make or break the podcast.
Podcast ProducerWhat's going to make or break the podcast is your approach to the top.
Podcast ProducerRight, right.
Podcast ProducerSo you've kind of covered off quite a bit already by talking about, well, for a start, there aren't many that are talking about money making and manifestation at the same time because a lot of business coaches, certainly from the ones I've met, I haven't met many, to be fair, but every single one I've met, you would, like, give them the ick, to be frank, because it's like, why is she talking about manifestation?
Podcast ProducerYou know, you can't manifest money.
Podcast ProducerYou got to make it, you know?
Katie McManusRight.
Podcast ProducerIt's that and she differential there straight away, but also the impact piece.
Podcast ProducerYeah, that's really nice.
Katie McManusYeah.
Katie McManusAnd, you know, like, there's that viral TikTok I saw, or maybe it was just viral in my circle, but of this couple who bought a laundromat that was, like, real, real shitty.
Katie McManusLike, it was just.
Katie McManusIt was dated, stuff was broken.
Katie McManusThey bought it, they revamped it, and they added picnic tables, and they made it bright and colorful.
Katie McManusAnd their intention was to have it be kind of like a gathering space.
Katie McManusAnd literally, like, there is this jamaican family that, like, they showed up every, you know, one day of the week with, like, a potluck, and they all did their laundry together, you know, but, like, that became a cornerstone of the community.
Podcast ProducerYeah.
Katie McManusYou know, and, like, we can talk about, you know, like, yes, make.
Katie McManusMake millions each year and host, like, start your own, like, political action committee and, you know, pack and raise money to, like, funnel two campaign.
Katie McManusSure.
Katie McManusAbsolutely.
Katie McManusThat can be a part of the conversation, but it can also be on that smaller community level, you know?
Katie McManusAnd I think.
Katie McManusI think what we really go after is that belief that people who have money are evil.
Podcast ProducerRight.
Katie McManusYou know, like, you can make more money.
Katie McManusLike.
Katie McManusLike a laundromat can make anywhere from, like $30 to $120,000 a year extra for someone who, like, has an extra 5 hours a week to go and, like, maintain it and, you know, check the machines and refill, you know, any of the other things that they sell.
Katie McManusAnd it can have impact on the community.
Katie McManusIt can be a gathering place.
Katie McManusIt can be something that, like, is really special.
Katie McManusHell, I mean, you could have a homework corner in a laundromat.
Podcast ProducerOh, right.
Podcast ProducerYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Katie McManusYou know, a short little desk that, like, there could be Wi Fi in the in the space, short little desk that has charging ports.
Katie McManusYeah, it might have a little tin of pencils.
Podcast ProducerOne thing I was gonna.
Podcast ProducerJust one jumping off point for discussion with this in mind.
Podcast ProducerI mean, you mentioned, like, the big part of this was that the people you were talking to that were sort of coming in from all places.
Podcast ProducerBut, you know, obviously at the moment, my main concern is the podcast.
Podcast ProducerAre getting that.
Podcast ProducerRight.
Katie McManusRight.
Podcast ProducerHopefully it'll all feed in together.
Podcast ProducerBut you were mentioning that, you know, that the people that you were attracting, they weren't mentally ready to do it because they had a lot of stuff going on.
Podcast ProducerAnd, you know, like you said, you didn't want to become a therapist, which rightly so.
Podcast ProducerAbsolutely right.
Podcast ProducerSo does then Weenie feed into that?
Podcast ProducerAnd do we need to look at maybe changing that around a little bit and maybe Weenie needs to be almost not the topic, not the theme, but almost like the character again, like the ADHD.
Katie McManusI'm not understanding your question.
Podcast ProducerSo Weenie cast lends itself to that's.
Podcast ProducerIt's not derogatory because it's.
Podcast ProducerIt's your brand, but no, no.
Katie McManusSo Weenie cast, the weenie thing happened before I even went into ADHD.
Katie McManusAnd the clients I attracted with it, I loved, right?
Katie McManusThey did the work.
Katie McManusThey were on it.
Katie McManusThey wanted to have impact.
Katie McManusLike, it was kind of like the code word.
Katie McManusI mean, Adam Kimmel is a great example of this.
Katie McManusHe messaged me.
Katie McManusHe's like, I think I'm being a weenie.
Katie McManusI need to book a call with you.
Podcast ProducerRight.
Katie McManusBy the time he got on the call with me, he's like, listen, I've watched all your stuff.
Katie McManusI didn't get on the phone with you to say no.
Katie McManusHow much is this?
Katie McManusYou know?
Podcast ProducerYeah.
Katie McManusBut his thing is he wants to have an impact.
Katie McManusHe wants to make the world a better place.
Podcast ProducerYeah.
Podcast ProducerSo we need.
Podcast ProducerSo that's it then.
Podcast ProducerWe really, what we want to do is attract more adams.
Katie McManusYeah.
Podcast ProducerHe's like the perfect listener profile.
Podcast ProducerYeah.
Katie McManusYep.
Podcast ProducerThat's fine.
Podcast ProducerI just wanted to raise it because what I didn't want to do was have, if the name was getting in the way of the attraction.
Podcast ProducerBut if you're saying that actually attracts, then, yeah, fine.
Katie McManusYeah.
Podcast ProducerCool.
Katie McManusWell, and also, I mean, like, to do this, to, like, put yourself out there to start a business, to grow a business, to buy a second business, to launch a nonprofit.
Katie McManusLike, you have to get over a lot of the fear of, like, what are people gonna think of me?
Katie McManusIs this gonna work?
Katie McManusYou know, and I mean, that's universal.
Katie McManusI mean, if we're talking about fear, then we're basically scaring away sociopaths and narcissists.
Katie McManusCause they don't feel it.
Katie McManusYeah, right.
Katie McManusThey can't recognize with that.
Podcast ProducerYeah, I think that.
Podcast ProducerSo money manifestation and impact are kind of like the central themes.
Katie McManusYeah.
Podcast ProducerBouncing mostly around money, but you can certainly delve into the others.
Podcast ProducerWell, impact is going to be the central theme, and money is going to be almost like its partner.
Podcast ProducerAnd the manifestation will be sort of a jumping off point there along with, as we go.
Katie McManusWe're really going to leverage manifestation to be like, hey, listen, if you don't believe that you can raise your rates, you're not going to.
Katie McManusYeah, you might write it down on a piece of paper, but you're not going to sound convincing on a sales call.
Katie McManusLike, manifestation is not about doing magic out there in the world and all this stuff.
Katie McManusIt's about changing your brain chemistry.
Podcast ProducerYeah.
Katie McManusIt's about like tricking your brain into believing something even though you don't have proof for it.
Podcast ProducerRight.
Katie McManusYou know, you don't just manifest a yellow jeep.
Katie McManusYou say, okay, I really want to buy a yellow jeep.
Katie McManusAnd all of a sudden you start seeing them everywhere because your brain is like, oh, we need opportunities to find a yellow jeep.
Podcast ProducerCool, right?
Podcast ProducerAbsolutely right.
Podcast ProducerAnd a lot of people don't get that as well.
Podcast ProducerI find, like, I didn't really fully understand it until quite recently that, you know, manifestation, it's, you know, you got the manifestation Babe podcast, and it's like she's literally just going, well, guys, I just like manifested $5,000 and, you know, she's not talking about what she did from the point of manifestation that changed her behavior to get that.
Podcast ProducerAnd I feel that's the missing piece, which you could definitely provide.
Katie McManusRight?
Podcast ProducerYeah, I like it.
Podcast ProducerI think that's good.
Podcast ProducerI think leaning into that money mindset, impact, just money in general.
Podcast ProducerYeah.
Podcast ProducerAnd it's your approach to it.
Podcast ProducerI think that's the key point here, is that the show's ethos around the reason you want people to get wealthy is because you understand they're going to be good people in the world to help improve it.
Katie McManusRight.
Podcast ProducerVersus they're gonna go and become another.
Katie McManusTrump or an elon.
Katie McManusYeah, yeah.
Katie McManusI mean, money makes you more of who you are.
Podcast ProducerThat's it, right?
Podcast ProducerAbsolutely.
Podcast ProducerIf the asshole's already there, then she's gonna be a rich asshole.
Katie McManusExactly.
Katie McManusYep.
Podcast ProducerTotally.
Podcast ProducerTotally cool.
Podcast ProducerSo we don't really need a name change as such, then so if you're.
Katie McManusYeah, exactly.
Podcast ProducerYeah.
Katie McManusWe're just kind of changing the subheading, which is Weenie cast 2.0.
Podcast ProducerI don't know because I don't think that serves anybody.
Podcast ProducerI think with this sort of thing, I think it's like you talk about with the authenticity and like, the lines that you need of that.
Podcast ProducerLike, what is real authenticity with this?
Podcast ProducerIt's almost like, you know, the.
Podcast ProducerThe non serving part would be.
Podcast ProducerYeah, let's call this weenie cast 2.0 and make it all about and all that.
Podcast ProducerBut I think the better way is for you to, within that realm of the show, just go, what are we going to call this weenie cast 2.0?
Podcast ProducerThat's kind of what it is.
Podcast ProducerBut it's still the same show.
Podcast ProducerWe're just proving to you how sometimes you got a level up and, you know, you could even dress it up as.
Podcast ProducerI've been being a weenie myself and here's how we're going to tackle this.
Katie McManusRight.
Podcast ProducerRight.
Podcast ProducerI think that's a much better approach because you're dropping that fourth wall then.
Katie McManusRight.
Katie McManusAnd it's like, you know, I've been being a weenie.
Katie McManusNot about anything significant.
Katie McManusIt's just like, you know, my.
Katie McManusMy hyper fixation has ended and my business gets to be about me.
Katie McManusIt gets to be about what I want to spend time on.
Podcast ProducerRight.
Katie McManusAnd I get to give myself full permission, just like I would give my client full permission to change.
Podcast ProducerAnd that.
Podcast ProducerYeah.
Podcast ProducerThat is actually vitally important because you're then putting your money where your mouth is in terms of this is all a safe space.
Podcast ProducerThis is how safe a space this is that even I am sometimes having to have a word with myself.
Podcast ProducerSo if you're on the wrong path, we're going to get you back on the right path and there's no shame attached.
Podcast ProducerAnd it's totally just about going forward, not.
Podcast ProducerYeah, absolutely.
Katie McManusYeah.
Podcast ProducerI love that.
Podcast ProducerAnything else that comes to mind?
Podcast ProducerI think the weenie cast with like a tag of money and money.
Podcast ProducerMoney and mindset so that you can leverage your impact in the world.
Katie McManusYeah.
Podcast ProducerSomething along those lines.
Podcast ProducerOr money and mindset.
Podcast ProducerMoney, mindset and impact might even be catchier.
Katie McManusYeah.
Podcast ProducerAnd then we can fill in the blanks with all the sort of stuff, with the content and the description.
Podcast ProducerThat sort of stuff.
Podcast ProducerYeah.
Podcast ProducerCool.
Podcast ProducerAnd like I say, it's not like we're starting from scratch.
Podcast ProducerYou've got the audience.
Podcast ProducerIt's just about totally.
Katie McManusAnd I don't think they'll feel abandoned I think they'll be like, oh, cool.
Katie McManusLike, it sounds time for us to level up too.
Podcast ProducerRight?
Katie McManusYou know, that's the kit.
Podcast ProducerYes.
Podcast ProducerI like that.
Podcast ProducerThat could almost be the first episode of the new style is like, right, look, you know, we're going to acknowledge something here.
Podcast ProducerYou know, we've been being a weenie.
Podcast ProducerWe've not been helping you as much as we could be.
Podcast ProducerAnd so now we're going to really get into it.
Podcast ProducerYou know, we're going to help you to get that money that you need to have so that you can do good impact in the world.
Podcast ProducerAbsolutely.
Podcast ProducerYeah.
Podcast ProducerStraight away you're gonna, you're gonna strike a chord.
Katie McManusYeah.
Podcast ProducerAnd I think you're gonna get a lot of respect from this because you're being open and honest about it.
Katie McManusI think so too.
Podcast ProducerYeah.
Podcast ProducerLove it.
Podcast ProducerI'm happy.
Podcast ProducerI think that's good.
Podcast ProducerI think that's really good.
Katie McManusLike, genuinely.
Katie McManusI just want to say, hey, listen, I'm over this hyper focus of talking about ADHD and how it fucks up our lives.
Katie McManusRight.
Katie McManusAnd how it makes things harder and done.
Podcast ProducerYeah.
Katie McManusYou know, and I'm realizing that there's, you know, something that's way more helpful to you, my listener, and that I'm really interested in talking about.
Katie McManusAnd let's go spend some time there for a while.
Podcast ProducerRight?
Katie McManusNo promises.
Katie McManusWe're gonna stay there.
Katie McManusWe'll probably evolve and move on and change.
Katie McManusAnd, like, as I'm changing, I want you to know you have full permission to change in your business too.
Podcast ProducerYeah.
Katie McManusThis isn't like you don't, you don't set in.
Katie McManusLike, here's, here's the direction we're sailing in, and then never change it, you know?
Katie McManusSometimes there's a coral reef in the way.
Katie McManusSometimes there's, there's land, there's.
Katie McManusSometimes there's a continent.
Katie McManusSometimes you just feel like going somewhere different, you know, and then we can talk about that.