105. Imposter syndrome and your inevitable $10k meltdown

105. Imposter syndrome and your inevitable $10k meltdown

Embracing Imposter Syndrome: The Unspoken Truths Business Gurus Avoid

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I remember the first time I heard the term "imposter syndrome."

I was a young business strategist trying to break into an industry packed with so-called "gurus" and experts.

The term felt like a diagnosis of a condition I’d been suffering from silently my entire career.

In this episode, we're going to dig into what these gurus won’t tell you about imposter syndrome, especially when you have ADHD.

Hi, I’m Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and in this episode, I’m pulling back the curtain on this pervasive issue and giving you real strategies to overcome it.

Every entrepreneur hits new milestones.

You might go from zero to $5,000 a month, and suddenly, that goalpost moves to $10,000.

But guess what?

The moment you hit $10,000 a month, you're gleeful for about five minutes before you experience what I call a “10k meltdown.”

Your success becomes the new normal, and the pressure to maintain it mounts.

And with ADHD in the mix, the self-doubt and constant need to measure up can be debilitating.

We're conditioned to seek external validation in an environment that offers no grades or lunchroom invitations.

So how do you break free from a cycle designed to make you feel like an imposter?

That's what we're exploring in this episode.

Once you’ve listened, you’ll learn critical strategies like embracing your authentic self and facing fears head-on.

Instead of waiting for the world to tell you how good you are, you’ll understand why it’s crucial to cultivate internal self-worth.

Empowering yourself isn’t just about getting rid of imposter syndrome; it’s about stepping into your power, making bold moves, and letting your unique qualities shine.

By the end of this episode, you won't merely be informed; you'll be equipped to transform your mindset and scale your business without letting self-doubt hold you back.

Timestamped summary

00:00 Success triggers imposter syndrome, especially with ADHD.

04:58 Imposter syndrome stems from broken confidence training.

07:36 External validation doesn't determine self-worth.

11:47 Don't let fear control your business visibility.

16:19 Be authentic to help clients and yourself.

19:06 Embrace uniqueness, overcome imposter syndrome confidently.

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