3: ADHD entrepreneur - you're NOT bad with money, You can actually be a badass. Listen to learn how!

3: ADHD entrepreneur - you're NOT bad with money, You can actually be a badass. Listen to learn how!

The ADHD 'bad with money' story that entrepreneurs tell themselves is UNTRUE! 

"We also know from a very early age where we can get a really easy dopamine drip from and shopping and making purchases is one of those things." - Katie McManus, Brave Business Coaching

Accessibility: click to read a written-to-be-read transcript of the episode

Weenies! Let's change your story around money!

Prefer to watch video versions of podcasts? Here's this episode for you!

This episode covers:

  • My own story of escaping the bad with money myth
  • Why we think we're bad with money
  • Recognising how we use money as a coping mechanism
  • Famous characters (like Miranda from Devil Wears Prada) who don't help our belief system
  • Why it's actually vital that you start changing your beliefs around money as soon as possible

 Here's my money map for coaches in case you want to transform your story with money 😉

Who will get the most out of this episode?

Have you found yourself wasting money on things you don't need?

Do you always pick up some absolutely useless junk from the department store, knowing full well you don't actually want it?

Do you know why you're doing that?

I do, and I'm going to explain it all to you in this episode.

If you listen to this episode, my hope is that by the end of it, you'll understand why you think you're sh&*ty with money, and how you can change that narrative.

How can you learn a more bespoke way of being a badass with money?

This episode will help you understand what you need to do in order to shake off your money beliefs.

But like with all aspects of business life, doing something about it will make the real difference.

So I invite you to join me for a FREE call to talk all about this money stuff.

We'll work together on getting you a new record book :)



About Katie McManus

Katie McManus was trained in Executive Business Coaching and Leadership Development at the Co-Active Training Institute in San Rafael, California.

She's a CPCC (Certified Professional Co-Active Coach) and an ACC (Associate Certified Coach) with the International Coaching Federation.