Thanks so much for agreeing to fill in this survey, we really appreciate it! We'll have our machine select a participant at random to win a prize as a thank you for taking the time! Please feel free to answer the questions as honestly as you wish.

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* 1. At what email address would you like to be contacted?

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* 2. How many episodes have you listened to so far?

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* 3. Would you recommend the podcast to a friend or family member?

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* 4. What do you think of the podcast currently?

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* 5. What's your favorite thing about the podcast?

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* 6. What's your least favorite thing about the podcast?

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* 7. If you were the producer of the show, what's the first improvement you would make?

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* 8. Why haven't you wanted to reach out to Katie via her listener voicemail on the website?

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* 9. Are you following the podcast? If so, in which app?